• Lecturer

    As a lecturer, I have worked with Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin and Dublin City University. I am currently delivering a module to Sophister students on Statistics and Research Methods. I also provide guest-lecturing input on cognitive-behaviour therapy, psycho-education, trauma, torture. , and working with people in international protection (e.g., asylum seekers and refugees).

  • Teacher

    As a psychologist, English teacher, and special needs assistant I have experience working with children and young people. In my research, I also work alongside a school here in Dublin to co-create and implement effective interventions to promote child well-being, sense of belong, and academic achievement.

  • Trainer

    As a trainer, I have worked with groups of refugees, corporate clients, and NGOs to enhance their understanding of strategies to support themselves and those they serve. Previous clients include the society of St. Vincent DePaul, the English Language Support Teachers’ Association, the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Project, The English Language Support Teachers Association of Ireland, Pastoral Care Communities, and the University of Sanctuary Initiative in the National University of Galway.



19th April 2022

Online Training

Sanctuary in Faith

Trauma–Informed Pastoral Care Seminar and RCB Guidance for Parishes on Accommodating Refugees

This training was provided to approximately 30 pastoral care workers and professionals from a variety of faith backgrounds. It centred on building capacity to support refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers. In addition, psycho-education on trauma and emotion regulation was provided, as well as an introduction to psychological first aid.

22nd March 2022

Online Training

English Language Support Teachers Association of Ireland and Education Training Support Centres of Ireland

Welcoming Newly Arrived Young People and Families

This training was delivered in collaboration with the English Language Support Teachers’ Association of Ireland and was approved as CPD for educators by the Education Training Board and Education Support Centres Ireland. Approximately 700 educators were in attendance at the event. My input focused specifically on understanding the effects of migration and trauma on young people, as well as effective support strategies. The event was warmly received as evident on twitter.

10th November 2021

Online Training

DePaul registered charity

Understanding the experiences and strategies to support individuals in international protection with DePaul Charity

I delivered this training to a team of accommodation support workers from the DePaul charity. These staff support individuals who have received refugee status (or leave to remain) in the transition from Direct Provision to private housing. The training centred on understanding the nature of pre-/mid-/post- migration stressors that those in international can face, as well as the effects such stressors can have on cognition, mood, and interpersonal relating.

25th of June 2022

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

I was part of the organising committee and volunteered as MC for this event for practitioners and individuals with lived experience of torture. I operated as host and facilitated the discussion pieces between the audience and each of the speakers.

Online Event

Spirasi, National Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture

11th September 2021

In person lecture

Dublin City University Masters in Refugee Integration

23rd September 2021

Online training

National University of Ireland, Galway with the Sanctuary Programme

September 2021 - Feb 2022

Guest lecturer on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Trinity College, University of Dublin with the Doctorate of Counselling Psychology